Bachillerato Dual

El Diploma Dual es el programa oficial de convalidación internacional de títulos de bachillerato, creado y desarrollado por Académica Corporation, que permite a los alumnos obtener dos titulaciones simultáneas: la propia de su país y el American High School Diploma.
Cuando finalizan sus estudios, los alumnos del Diploma Dual logran exactamente la misma titulación que los estudiantes estadounidenses al finalizar el High School, que está reconocida en todos los estados y en todas las universidades del mundo.

The Dual Diploma is the official program for the international validation of high school diplomas, created and developed by Academica Corporation, which allows students to obtain two simultaneous degrees: the one from their country and the American High School Diploma.
When they finish their studies, Dual Diploma students achieve exactly the same degree as American students at the end of High School, which is recognized in every state and every university in the world.
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